Twister – Who doesn’t love Twister? It’s a fabulous game that all the family can play and we have spent the last week being contorted into various shapes with our bottoms stuck up in the air!!! Obviously it’s more fun if there are more of you but Chick seems to find it amusing enough to spin the board and watch her Dad and I fall over a lot! All the pictures that she took of us playing this are quite horrific so I’m not sharing!!! Another one that we’ll be using with the rest of the family on Christmas day although may be not straight after dinner. Available from Toys R Us at £11.97.
Liv Doll – Chick loves pretty much any doll of any description so this was always going to get a thumbs up from her. What I liked about this was that this was rather cool. She’s called Katie and is a skater girl who likes the outdoors and her friends are pretty similar. Katie comes with cool clothes, a hat, helmet, skateboard and a wig for hairstyling. I’d be quite happy to buy this as a change from the normal endless pink dolls that Chick likes. It also comes with free membership to the Liv dolls website which Chick was very impressed with. Even better they are in the half price sale at the moment for only £9.97
Monster Doll High – As with the Liv doll above Chick and The Punk both loved this. These are ultra modern dolls and although they are aimed at 6+ personally I think that’s probably too young. We got Lagoona Blue who is apparently the daughter of a Sea Monster!!! Her clothes are very grown up being fish nets and cropped shorts with super high heels and also came with a diary and a pet Piranha. The language on the box is very teenage so I would recommend from 8+. Available from Toys R Us at £14.97
These were reviewed as part of the Toys R Us Toyologist programme. You can find out about special offers and competitions on their Facebook page.